International Press Reviews
"Klemens Koehring is the actor who charmingly portrays John ‘Poe’ Pope and Leah Cunard is the delightful Ellis Munro. There is a lot of great chemistry between the two, and they are very entertaining to watch in their interactions with one another. Both are highly skilled actors who have clearly mastered their craft, and I hope to see them again in new games or shows."
GIN - Game Industry News (daily gaming news magazine)
from (retrieved 30 July 2022)
"Leah Cunard and Klemens Koehring deliver this performance in an entertaining and believable way that easily draws in and keeps the player’s attention. Not without intrigue and perhaps dark secrets of their own, Poe and Munro are an endearing duo and a wonderful pair of protagonists brought to life with some great acting. They perfectly complement each other through the adventures the game has to offer."
Zero Limit (gaming website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"Koehring and Cunard’s excellent portrayals of Poe and Munro, coupled with the solid writing makes Dark Nights one of the best FMV games out there. [...] Their on-screen chemistry is pure magic to say the least. Poe’s real name is John Pope, but he goes as Poe as a tribute to Edgar Allan Poe. He definitely earns the alias thanks to Klemens Koehring’s delivery of each of his well-written lines. The expressions and phrases used by Poe are dark and melancholic, egotistical and self-centered, which helps establish him as a sinister and unnerving character. There’s always the lingering feeling that he’s one step away from going full on psycho, which really speaks volumes to Koehring’s mastery of the character."
Ichiplayer (gaming website)
from (retrieved 31 August 2021)
"Poe is a sort of Vincent Price English gent; flamboyant and flawed. Munro is an intelligent American woman who is both thoughtful and insightful. The two of them combine to great effect. [...] Poe is played by Klemens Koehring and he does a great job. He has a superb voice, like an old actor or storyteller weaving tales from the crypt. He is pompous, sometimes leering, but has a large heart. Leah Cunard plays the part of Munro and she delivers a stunning performance... [...] What makes the game though is the chemistry between the two – this is always entertaining and full of mischief. They are, frankly, a great pairing and you can’t imagine anyone else playing the parts."
TheXboxHub (Xbox news and reviews website)
from (retrieved 31 August 2021)
"Koehring plays Poe as an enthusiastic, charismatic artist, while Cunard’s Munro is a sweeter optimist [...] and their enthusiasm for the project really strengthens their performances. The chemistry between them is a delight to see on-screen..."
NewGame+ (gaming reviews website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"You get six very replayable chapters featuring John ‘Poe’ Pope (Klemens Koehring) and Ellis Munro (Leah Cunard), both superbly possessing their roles, coming off a bit like this decade’s Mulder and Scully..."
DAF - Destroy All Fanboys (gaming reviews website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"The biggest highlight of Dark Nights with Poe and Munro is without a doubt, the actors. Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard as the titular Poe and Munro absolutely make this game. They have some of the best on-screen chemistry I’ve ever seen, especially in a video game."
GameLuster (gaming news and reviews website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"Poe and Munro bounce off each other like magnetised super balls. Their back and forths, a product of some excellent writing and top quality performances from Leah Cunard and Klemens Koehring, are a highlight of the game..." (entertainment website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"... I like Poe’s acting. He really gives it some flair. Almost reminds me of Boris Karloff. He also seems like he’s seen a thing or two in his life."
GIN - Game Industry News (daily gaming news magazine) (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard (Poe and Munro) return as the perfect companions, the banter they have with one another and the way they interact creates a believable ‘relationship’ and two very likeable characters."
GamePitt (gaming reviews website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"Then there’s Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard as Poe and Munro respectively who really knock it out of the park from start to finish."
GameSpew (gaming news and reviews website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"It arguably pulls off the whole 'interactive TV' angle better than anything on Netflix, inching things far closer to a full merger between gaming and TV. [...] the main characters (played deliciously by Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard)..."
TechRaptor (gaming news and reviews website) (retrieved 14 December 2020)
"... credit should also go to Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard for the marvelous job they do with their characters. Every scene with the two of them is a delight to watch as they really pull out all stops when it comes to their characters."
GAMERamble (gaming reviews website)
"The chemistry between Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard, who play Poe and Munro, is electric and really carries the game."
Handsome Phantom (gaming website)
"A lot of the game’s weight rests on the shoulders of leads Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard (Poe and Munro, respectively), but they carry it well. There’s a natural chemistry between the duo, some delicious melodrama, and a lot of sassy-but-flirty back-and-forths. They’re eminently believable as a pair of colleagues and secret lovers..."
PC Invasion (gaming website)
"Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard are both spellbinding in their titular roles, with well-written banter every time they’re on screen."
100 Word Gaming Reviews (gaming website)
from (retrieved 31 August 2021)
"The chemistry between Poe and Munro is palpable and reallys helps to propel the story forward. Cunard and Koehring are excellent, and the supporting cast also give fantastic performances. I had absolutely no hiccups with the audio or video, which really made me feel like I was watching a TV show in the vein of The Twilight Zone or an investigative paranormal series. I couldn’t put my controller down and was heavily invested in the fates of the characters."
The Gaming Outsider (gaming editorial website)
from (retrieved 30 July 2022)
"The only characters on-screen in every chapter are Poe and Munro, so Klemens Koehring and Leah Cunard do pretty much all the heavy lifting. There is something about the way Koehring tilts his head to be almost spooky that is absolutely fascinating. [...] Koehring and Cunard play off each other wonderfully..."
Digitally Downloaded (media news and reviews publication)
from (retrieved 30 July 2022)
"Dark Nights with Poe and Munro star the titular characters, Poe and Munro, who are local radio hosts and very close partners. Their actors, Leah Cunard and Klemens Koehring, play off each other very well. Their banter often keeps the game feeling light-hearted despite the strange, often dangerous circumstances the duo find themselves in. [...] I found the dynamic duo to be fun to watch, especially during their playful banter due to the strong chemistry between the two actors." (gaming and technology website)
from (retrieved 15 December 2020)
(French-language review) "... ce spin-of remplit parfaitement son rôle en nous proposant 6 histoires aux frontière de l’étrange et avec humour, mené par deux acteurs qui parviennent à nous faire croire à leurs personnages."
PxlBBQ (Belgian gaming news and reviews website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)(German-language review) "Die Chemie zwischen Cunard und Koehring passt. [...] Typisch für ein FMV-Adventure lebt 'Dark Nights with Poe and Munro von der schauspielerischen Leistung und der Vertonung. Erste haben wir schon gelobt, zweitere ist ebenso hervorragend."
Adventure Corner (German adventure gaming website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)(German-language review) "Ein besonderes Lob gebührt dabei Leah Cunard und Klemens Koehring, die die Titelfiguren spielen und es perfekt schaffen die Charaktere in unterschiedlichen Situationen und Emotionen zu porträtieren."
NerdicReviews (German gaming review website)
from (retrieved 30 July 2022)
The Shapeshifting Detective (Interactive Movie / Video Game)
"Poe, of the Poe and Munro radio show, is a particular highlight, with a gravely tone of voice that you could imagine in a 1920’s gangster film, and even when he’s giving simple mundane updates on local happenings, it feels more grand and atmospheric than it has any right to do."
God is a Geek (gaming and technology website)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
"Speaking of radio personalities, the brilliant talk radio intermissions of Poe and Munro offered some of our favourite moments, even if they mainly served as filler when travelling in a cab or arriving at the bed and breakfast. It brought popular podcast Welcome to Night Vale to mind (even if it's not nearly as strange as that) and really offered an additional layer to the narrative."
Gamereactor International (leading gaming website in the Nordic region)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
"I especially loved the radio conversations featuring Poe (Klemens Koehring) and Munroe (Leah Cunard), the stars of the local radio station."
Phantom Gaming (Nintendo-focused blog)
from (retrieved 16 December 2018)
"I know the saying is always 'you have the face for radio', but in Poe’s case, he 'has the voice for radio' – it fits perfectly with its deep, slow, and well-spoken tone which is both soothing and rather seductive at the same time."
GamePitt (gaming reviews website)
from (retrieved 2 September 2021)
"The Shapeshifting Detective does have good production values with its live action recordings and audio quality (I especially enjoyed the time you spend on the choice/movement selection screen as the game features two town DJ's who like to talk about everything macabre)." (gaming and technology website)
from (retrieved 16 December 2018)
"The characters are brought to life by a very talented cast, any fans of their previous work will recognise Aislinn M De’Ath as Violet and will also fall in love with their new ones such as the very charming radio hosts Poe (Klemens Koehring) & Munro (Leah Cunard)."
Ambassadors View (gaming news and reviews website)
from (retrieved 14 March 2019)
Boïnihi: The K’i Codex (Video Game)
"Klemens Koehring (who also plays Poe in the fantastic Dark Nights with Poe and Munroe) does a great job at bringing both the astronaut and Boïnihi himself to life."
Zero Limit (gaming website)
from (retrieved 14 December 2020)
Die Entführung aus dem Serail (Opera)
"... while Elizabeth Cragg as Blonde, Nicholas Sharratt as Pedrillo, Barnaby Rea as Osmin and Klemens Koehring as the Pasha all play their parts to great effect."
musicOMH (online reviews and features publication)
from (retrieved 18 December 2018)
"It certainly added a jolting charge to the dynamics between Constanze, Belmonte and Selim, a young man of both sensitivity and sensitivities in Klemens Koehring's performance: by the end he was a broken figure. Koehring is a bilingual actor, but he was not alone in delivering the German dialogue with pace and meaning. It constituted a motive force in a show that provided ample and invigorating reward for the risks that it took."
Opera (leading opera magazine) (October 2017 issue, page 1344)
V for Victory (Musical)
"Of course, it’s a challenge producing a musical with a Nazi twist, the opportunity for offence is so great as to be viewed from afar. Swastikas were completely absent from the set and costume, which made the evening a little more palatable and yet the brutality of the Nazi regime was captured perfectly in Klemens Koehring as Colonel Stolzmann, high command of the Germany army in Jersey."
West End Wilma (theatre blog)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
Ghost in the Sheet (Video Game)
"What hooked me almost instantly was the voiceover talent of Klemens Koehring. [...] He voices the part of the ghost with just the right style of slightly nasal nonchalance. [...] Excellent voice work by the main character."
GameBoomers (leading adventure gaming website)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
"The character of Ghost is portrayed by Klemens Koehring. For me, he was the perfect choice. [...] His distinctive accent and deadpan delivery greatly enhance the proceedings."
Just Adventure (leading adventure gaming website)
from (retrieved 31 August 2017)
(Polish-language review) "Całkiem przyjazny jest też głos głównego bohatera - aktor Klemens Koehring ma ciekawy głos, jeszcze dodano pogłos, dzięki czemu skutecznie podkreślono nierzeczywistość całego obrazu."
("The voice of the main character is also quite friendly - actor Klemens Koehring has an interesting voice, yet an echo is added so that the feeling of complete otherworldliness is effectively highlighted.")
Adventure Zone (Polish adventure gaming website)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
"Finally, voice-acting is beautiful in general, though it is the hero's performance that stands out by far. The tone of his voice is well-tuned for this part, but also Klemens Koehring's performance is flooded with the appropriate emotions to each scene, giving life to the game."
Gamers Universe (online video games magazine)
J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars (Video Game)
"The voices are enjoyable to listen to. JULIA, Mobot (a robot which helps you out in all kinds of ways) and Rachel are the three characters you’ll hear the most and the voice actors suit the respective personage perfectly." (gaming website)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
(German-language review) "Trotzdem gibt es viel und gute englische Sprachausgabe. Gerade manch lustige Bemerkung von Mobot bringt Humor in das anderweitig doch recht morbide Spiel."
("There is good English voice acting. In particular, Mobot's funny remarks add humour to the otherwise fairly morbid game.")
Adventure Treff (online adventure gaming magazine)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
Catyph (Video Game)
"Catyph is the sequel to ASA: A Space Adventure. Navigation is smoother and the voice-overs are more engaging, particularly those of Germinal and Lantier."
Adventure Gamers (largest English-language adventure game-focused website)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
The Cat Lady (Video Game)
"The Cat Lady's voice acting is first-rate. (...) I happily encountered the voice of Klemens Koehring, my old pal from Ghost in the Sheet."
Just Adventure (leading adventure gaming website)
from (retrieved 31 August 2017)
(German-language review) "Neben dem Soundtrack ist die Synchronisation eine weitere große Stärke von The Cat Lady. Jeder Charakter im Spiel wurde tadellos vertont. Ob nun Susan, Mitzi oder gar die Gegner: Jeder Person nimmt man ihre Rolle ab. Wie bei einem Film hört man den Charakteren mit Freude minutenlang bei ihren Gesprächen zu und fiebert mit ihnen mit."
("In addition to the soundtrack, the voice acting is another big plus of The Cat Lady. Every character in the game was voiced impeccably. Whether it is Susan, Mitzi or the villains, every character is believable in their respective role. Just as in a movie, you enjoy listening to the characters during their conversations and you root for them.")
GameStar (Germany's best-selling PC video game magazine)
from,3028894,seite3.html#kunst-fuers-auge-genuss-fuer-die-ohren (retrieved 8 December 2018)
The Other Door (Audiobook)
"As usual the narration is excellent and the recording is highly professional. Tim Jeffreys' regular storytellers Mia Jaye and Josh Cass are both there and new boy Klemens Koehring adds an appropriate Teutonic tone to this collection."
The English Assassin (blogzine)
Mendelssohn: Ein Sommernachstraum (Audio Drama)
"Interessant sind im Folgenden aber die Melodramen und Dialoge, die von besonderer Qualität sind. (...) Das oftmals bunte, schnelle und doch erhabene Miteinander von Orchester und Sprecher lässt die Welt Shakespeares entstehen."
("Interesting melodramas and dialogues ensue and they are of excellent quality. (...) The frequently colourful, fast-paced and yet sublime blend oforchestra and voice actors conjures up the world of Shakespeare.") (leading German-language classical music magazine)
from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
"A wonderful performance, we couldn't have picked a better actor for the role!"
"A gem of an actor."
Luke Andrews (film director, 'Dying Light')
"I really enjoyed making this film which has a great central performance from Klemens Koehring."
Ben Campbell (film director, 'Sign Language')
"Working with Klemens on my corporate video project has been a great pleasure for me. It was easy and straight forward to work with him due to being very prepared for and interested in his role. He displayed professionalism on set and showed interest in the background of my project. Klemens had a positive and can do attitude which impacted not only his fellow actors in a good way but also made the shooting comfortable for the rest of the production team. I personally think, he got a lot of presence, a great voice and was the perfect fit for this role. Thank you, Klemens!"
Janine Murmann (European Marketing Assistant, DDI)
"Massive thanks goes to the genius James Heatlie and Klemens Koehring for their hard work, commitment and acting skills."
Stephen Smith (video director, 'Secret Friend - Killing Time' Music Video)
"Nice work Klemens, thanks for doing a great job."
Robert Wilkinson of RED Talent Management (casting director, 'Microlearnings for Teachers & Trainers')
"Our trio of main voice actors – Jennifer Helia (J.U.L.I.A.), Lucy Fillery Murphy (Rachel Manners) and Klemens Koehring (Mobot) – did a great job as well. I see how much they added to the game."
Jan Kavan (lead designer, 'J.U.L.I.A.: Among the Stars')
link, from (retrieved 31 August 2017)
"Klemens Koehring was the great actor behind the Ghost's sarcastic voice. It was a spot on for us!"
Jan Kavan (lead designer, 'Ghost in the Sheet'
link, from (retrieved 8 December 2018)
"Klemens is a versatile and talented actor. He played two very different roles in my production of Blackadder II and produced excellent performances plus he has fantastic professionalism."
Simon Kingsnorth (director, 'Blackadder II')
"Klemens was a pleasure to work with. He was punctual, very patient and well-prepared for the shoot. He was very easy to direct and his performance was top-notch. I would recommend him to anyone without hesitation."
Sunil Goswami (film director, G7 Productions)
"I directed Klemens in a voice-acting session. And he was brilliant to work with. A talented voice-actor who is easy to work with, cooperative and good in taking directions. Looking forward to working with him again."
Nina Aimer Fox (voice director)
"Klemens is an intelligent, accurate, articulate and supremely professional voice actor of the highest order. His flexible attitude and creative approach to his work make it very easy for me to consistently get the highest quality results. His preparation is second to none and he understands and complies with even the most detailed and demanding direction with an innate ability to see the issues 'behind the script' that can so often arise particularly in a localisation environment. More importantly, he's a really nice guy that makes any session and project enjoyable and stress-free, improving the intended output every time. In short, he's a real talent that's an asset to any project and a pleasure to work with."
Danny de Matos (audio producer)
"Klemens has completed countless jobs for us while satisfying both our clients, and ourselves. He is always punctual and willing to help with any issues that occur with scripts or content. He is very professional in his approach to each job and is one of our most frequent German voice artists."
Thomas Dewis (Studio Project Lead & Sound Engineer at SDL Studio)
"I was asked by a client of mine to provide a native German speaking voice artist for a video project. I found Klemens and the client's requirements were easily achieved, on time, within budget and with perfect results. I recommend Klemens for any voiceover work."
Kevin Powis (Last Independent)
"Josh Cass and Klemens Koehring were both keen to record some more stories with me, and Mia Jaye was always willing to get back in the sound booth so I decided to record some of the new stories in early 2009."
"All three of these actors are absolute pros, and gave 110% to the sessions."
Tim Jeffreys (author)
"Great experience working with Klemens."
Andrew Sheneman (The C2 Group)
"Your voice for Germinal was just ideal for this mysterious man."
Simon Mesnard (lead designer, 'Catyph')
"Cooperation with Klemens is a bliss. He jumped right into the role we asked for."
Kacper Szymczak (CreativeForge Games)
"Really easy to work with - fast turnaround and very receptive to feedback!"
Andrew Baron (Spiceworks)